Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Grammar Quiz 2 Results

Question 1: Correct
Question 2: Incorrect
Question 3: Correct
Question 4: Correct
Question 5: Correct
Question 6: Correct
Question 7: Incorrect
Question 8: Correct
Question 9: Correct
Question 10: Correct
Question 11: Correct
Question 12: Incorrect
Question 13: Correct
Question 14: Correct
Question 15: Correct
Question 16: Correct

13 out of 16

Grammar Quiz 1 Results
Score Summary

Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
Question 13
Question 14
Question 15
Score: (93%)

Grammar Activity 2

1- The team won (its) (it's) game. Did you win (yours) (your's), (to)(too) (two)?
1 – The team won its game. Did you win yours too?

2- They left (their) (there) books (there) (their) (they're).
2- They left their books there.

3- I hear (your) (you're) about to graduate.
3- I hear you’re about to graduate.

4- (Its) (It's) nice that (there) (their) (they're) friendly.
4- It’s nice that they’re friendly.

5- Although I get (alot) (a lot) of colds, I feel (all right)(alright)
5- Although I get a lot of colds, I feel alright.

6- (Whose) (Who's) prettier (then) (than) you?
6- Who’s prettier than you?

7- Are you tired? I'm out of (breathe) (breath), (too) (to) (two).
7- Are you tired? I’m out of breath too.

8- Run back and (fourth) (forth) from (hear) (here) to (their) (there).
8- Run back and forth from here to there.

9- (Your) (You're) about to (loose) (lose) (your) (you're) book.
9- You’re about to lose your book.

10- Everyone will (accept) (except) the prize (accept) (except) you.
10- Everyone will accept the prize except you.

11- Do you know (weather) (whether) or not he will give me the prize.
11- Do you know whether or not he will give me the prize?

12- Many people (choose) (chose) to live in large cities.
12- Many people choose to live in large cities.

13- Is the doctor (through) (thorough) (threw) with my exam?
13- Is the doctor through with my exam?

14- What (affect) (effect) does the school (principle)(principal) have on you?
14- What effect does the school principle have on you?

15- What did he (advice) (advise) you to do? Did you take his (advice)(advise)?
15- What did he advise you to do? Did you take his advice?

16- (There) (Their) (They're) are (alot) (a lot) of (your) (you're) friends in the boat.
16- There are a lot of your friends in the boat.

17- I will (buy) (by) a book (buy) (by) Ray Bradbury.
17- I will buy a book by Ray Bradbury.

1st Grammar Activity

1. Some radio stations have powerful signals, they can be heard in nearby cities.
1. Some radio stations have powerful signals; they can be heard in nearby cities.

2. One disc jockey reads letters, he also jokes with callers.
2. One disc jockey reads letters, and he also jokes with callers.

3. Several stations hold contests, prizes are often albums.
3. Several stations hold contests, and prizes are often albums.

4. Tanya won one contest, she named a song correctly.
4. Tanya won one contest; she named a song correctly.

5. The sound system is complex, few people could operate it.
5. Since the sound system is complex, few people could operate it.

6. The Reds won the pennant they will play in the World Series.
6. The Reds won the pennant, so they will play in the World Series.

7. Last summer we camped, it was the best vacation ever.
7. Last summer we camped, and it was the best vacation ever.

8. Tony has a set of barbells, he lifts weights every day.
8. Tony has a set of barbells, and he lifts weights every day.

9. We saw an old Hitchcock film, it was a classic thriller.
9. We saw an old Hitchcock film; it was a classic thriller.

10. A raccoon visits our back porch every evening, we call him the Lone Ranger.
10. A raccoon visits our back porch every evening; we call him the Lone Ranger.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Family Circus Walk Home

My walk home was really fun today. I went all over the neighborhood, and did a lot of fun stuff and saw a lot of cool things. The first thing I did was run over to the neighbor’s house for a few minutes, but he was mowing the lawn and I couldn’t talk to him because it was so loud, so I just climbed his tree and made faces at his dog.

Then I climbed down onto his fence, which I thought looked more like a wall to keep out the neighbors next door. I played up on top of that for a while, but I almost fell off and so I decided to stop. I hopped down into the next yard. I got yelled at for pulling a couple of flowers out of their garden to take to Mom, which made me feel pretty bad, but I got to use their wheelbarrow to take the weeds out to their back yard, where I got to watch Mr. Johnson burn them.

After that, I walked over to the fire hydrant in front of the McAdams house, and Jimmy and I pretended that his house was on fire and that we were firemen. I told him I was jealous because he had a fire hydrant right in front of his house, so he could he be a fireman all the time. But then he said that I was lucky because Dad bought me a teepee, so I could play Cowboys and Indians a lot better than he could. I thought about that and decided that we were both lucky, and said that if the Indians had fire hydrants then they could have had a lot more fun than the cowboys. After me and Jimmy had put out the fire at his house, we went over to the teepee and played Cowboys and Indians for a while. At first, we both wanted to be Indians, because neither of us had our cap guns, but Jimmy found a stick that sort of looked like a gun, so we had a small battle that ended with a peace treaty. He gave me his stick-gun and I gave him a chieftain’s feather that was really just a pigeon feather. Then we decided to play with my wagon, and we pretended to be a cowboy who was driving a stagecoach and was being attacked by robbers, but luckily, we had Jimmy’s stick-gun so we beat the robbers and got the gold to the town successfully.

When we finished playing, Jimmy said that he had to go home, so I went and helped Tommy Stevens wash his new car. That was a little bit boring so I came back to the house and went through the garbage. There was really nothing in there, so I decided to tell you everything that I did today.