Monday, March 16, 2009

Family Circus Walk Home

My walk home was really fun today. I went all over the neighborhood, and did a lot of fun stuff and saw a lot of cool things. The first thing I did was run over to the neighbor’s house for a few minutes, but he was mowing the lawn and I couldn’t talk to him because it was so loud, so I just climbed his tree and made faces at his dog.

Then I climbed down onto his fence, which I thought looked more like a wall to keep out the neighbors next door. I played up on top of that for a while, but I almost fell off and so I decided to stop. I hopped down into the next yard. I got yelled at for pulling a couple of flowers out of their garden to take to Mom, which made me feel pretty bad, but I got to use their wheelbarrow to take the weeds out to their back yard, where I got to watch Mr. Johnson burn them.

After that, I walked over to the fire hydrant in front of the McAdams house, and Jimmy and I pretended that his house was on fire and that we were firemen. I told him I was jealous because he had a fire hydrant right in front of his house, so he could he be a fireman all the time. But then he said that I was lucky because Dad bought me a teepee, so I could play Cowboys and Indians a lot better than he could. I thought about that and decided that we were both lucky, and said that if the Indians had fire hydrants then they could have had a lot more fun than the cowboys. After me and Jimmy had put out the fire at his house, we went over to the teepee and played Cowboys and Indians for a while. At first, we both wanted to be Indians, because neither of us had our cap guns, but Jimmy found a stick that sort of looked like a gun, so we had a small battle that ended with a peace treaty. He gave me his stick-gun and I gave him a chieftain’s feather that was really just a pigeon feather. Then we decided to play with my wagon, and we pretended to be a cowboy who was driving a stagecoach and was being attacked by robbers, but luckily, we had Jimmy’s stick-gun so we beat the robbers and got the gold to the town successfully.

When we finished playing, Jimmy said that he had to go home, so I went and helped Tommy Stevens wash his new car. That was a little bit boring so I came back to the house and went through the garbage. There was really nothing in there, so I decided to tell you everything that I did today.

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