Sunday, February 13, 2011

Critiquing Blogs

1st Critique: Aspect Studios

The Photographic Aspect is the mainly photographic blog of Mark Alan Meader, a nature/landscape photographer from Idyllwild, California. I go into such specificity about his location because it's very important to the content of the blog itself. Basically, the blog consists of photographs (and a brief description of each) taken my Meader that were shot near/a reasonable distance from Meader's home in Idyllwild. Each shot is of a purely natural setting, yet untouched by human hands. The photographs are all of pieces of beauty found in harsh surroundings, such as an oasis found in Palm Canyon, which is located in a desert (see his February 7th post).

2nd Critique: Et tu, Mr. Destructo?

"The official blog of notorious former African dictator Mobuto Sese Seko" is a blog which has very little to do with Africa, or Mobuto Sese Seko. This is probably for one huge reason: it's not actually his blog. The notorious former African dictator died in 1998 from prostate cancer. While the reason for this obviously false impersonation isn't stated outright, it may be because coming up with an interesting blog name is one difficult trick (I've been wracking my brains since Thursday, no luck). Whatever the case may be, the blog is consistently a good read. It covers many different topics, from books to sports to world events in a light hearted and jesting tone that conveys a sense that he's not talking at you like a lot of bloggers do, but rather to you. It also doesn't shy away from possibly offensive topics, whether that's for better or for worse. All in all, as stated before, a consistently good read.

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